Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Experiment 5: Introduction to Sound

The purpose of this lab is compare different sound waves(number of waves, wavelength, frequency, amplitude)
  In this experiment, we need a microphone and LabPro, and connect to a computer. Set up the sensor through the Experiment tab. Like shown as below.

   First, say "AAA...."smoothly in to the microphone and hit Collect. Once we get a graph that we think is quality, label it #1.

   Then have someone else in my group say "AAA..." in to the microphone. Then compare to each other.Label it #2

The 1st student voice is louder, so frequency and amplitude are not same.
Then collect data for a tuning fork by striking it on a soft object. Label it #3; and also use the same tuning fork to collect data for a sound that is not as loud, label it #4.Compare to the human voice and them each other.

As we can see, they have different frequency and wavelength. Compare to human voice. The frequency is bigger than human voice, but the amplitude is smaller than human voice. Hitting loud by fork from #3, the frequency is bigger than the lower sound, but the amplitude is smaller than the lower sound. 

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